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Web Comic: Lords of Death and Life


Lords of Death and Life

- Goto By: Jonathon Dalton user profile
Description: Imagine a world with powerful empires, magic, and 3000 years of history, but where even the wheel doesn't exist. Mol Cupul is a Mayan farmer plagued by visions of his own destruction. He is on a quest to find out what they mean.
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Topics: Humor

Web Comic: Lord what fools these mortals be


Lord what fools these mortals be

- Goto By: Karl Hansen Liz Allen
Description: This is a delightful comic strip that would fit into a fantasy genre. It has many aspects about history and mythology in it. The comic itself revolves around the character, Dietrich.
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Web Comic: Lord Ravage The Drama


Lord Ravage The Drama

- Goto By: Julian Ravage
Description: A dreamer in a normal, twisted world.
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Web Comic: Lord of the Yaoi


Lord of the Yaoi

- Goto By: Olinca Hidalgo
Description: A LOTR dojinshi. Based a bit on the books and a lot on the movies. Unfinished.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Lord of the Rings Satire


Lord of the Rings Satire

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Last Published Comic: 217 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Lord of the Rings


Lord of the Rings

- Goto By: Big Freddy
Description: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and even Gandalf are back! but this time a new evil is threatening MiddleEarth, so it's up to our half brain heroes to solve the mystery and stop an evil warlord from destroying everything....were doomed.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Lord of the Dudes


Lord of the Dudes

- Goto By: The Lazy Artist
Description: FroDude has to destroy the ring. Bummer. Follow the adventures of FroDude and his friends, in this LOTR spoof. The one spoof to rule them all, that is.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Lord of Fnords


Lord of Fnords

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Last Published Comic: 186 Months 1 Week ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: R
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: Looseville



- Goto By: Alan Moloney
Description: Its the sexy adventures of the inhabitants of a small town called Looseville
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Loose Format


Loose Format

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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG
Topics: Real Life
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