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Web Comic: LAZARUS P.I.



- Goto By: Twin Engine
Description: A private investigator combats demons, cannibal sects and ghosts during the prohibition. Browsable online or downloadable complete PDF.
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Web Comic: Layla Bubbles


Layla Bubbles

- Goto By: Ace Connell user profile
Last Published Comic: 126 Months 4 Weeks ago
Description: The funny comic strip that follows toddler Layla Bubbles as she explores life. She's full of attitude, mischief and fun.
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Update: Weekly
Art: Vector
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Life, School, Relationships, Real Life, Humor, Crazy

Web Comic: LAX: Light Motion Dreams


LAX: Light Motion Dreams

- Goto By: Myxomatosis
Description: Drugs, Planes, Baggage, Love, Mystery and The New World Order. The Blue Sky Experiment. The experimental music semi webtoon comic based on the song "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizons. LAX will never be the same.
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Web Comic: LAX Light Motion Dreams


LAX Light Motion Dreams

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Rated: PG-13
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Web Comic: Lawless



- Goto By: Li Shiyo
Description: When Eli's best friend suddenly disappeared four years ago, Eli didn't think he'd see him again - until a glitch in a virtual game plunges him into a perilous, fantastical world where humanity has forgotten all laws, both written and inborn...
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Web Comic: Lavender Legend


Lavender Legend

- Goto By: Jamie Jennings user profile
Last Published Comic: 167 Months 1 Week ago
Description: A lengthy war claims the lives of every viable male, revolution is on the rise, and the imprisoned princess's maid plans to do something about it. A drama of love and identity with plenty of humor and quirkiness.
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Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Humor, Drama, Epic, Action

Web Comic: Lavendar Marmalade


Lavendar Marmalade

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Last Published Comic: 213 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Web Comic: Lauren Booza


Lauren Booza

- Goto By: The Wandering Fox user profile
Description: “Outwoodlandish” is an alternative slice-of-life comic series starring various idiosyncratic creatures (including Impulsive Otter, Suave Asshole Lemur, Socially Inept Red Panda, Overcompensating Speech Impendiment Rhino, and more) living in a familiar and curious terra incognita. The comic is observational, satirical, witty and bazaar with a moral compass allowing for qualms few and far between.
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Update: 3 times a week
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: Independent
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Animals, Computers, Fantasy, Food, Games, History, Life, Movies, Nature, Politics, Programming, School, Relationships, Space, Tv, Work, Romance, Spritual, Humor, Science Fiction, Drama, Parody/Satire, Epic, Action, Gaming, Crazy

Web Comic: Laura Seabrook's Web Comics


Laura Seabrook's Web Comics

- Goto By: Laura Anne Seabrook
Last Published Comic: 184 Months 4 Weeks ago
Description: An anthology of Laura's comics, including: Apocryphal Tales; Hypergraphia; Thud and Blunder; Future Imperfect; and other strips. The current strip is "Tales of the Galli" - an historical drama set in the times of Constantine the Great.
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Web Comic: Laura Seabrook's Queer Stuff


Laura Seabrook's Queer Stuff

- Goto By: Laura Anne Seabrook
Description: This is a repository of comics that supports a website (of the same name) that talks about what it means to be different. The comics were originally produced for OUT NOW magazine, but have also appeared in POLARE and elsewhere.
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