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Web Comic: Ed Johnson's FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING Presents



- Goto By: Ed Johnson
Description: Monthly webcomic utilizing Marvel minimate action figures in a tale of inter-weaving story-lines set to music.
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Web Comic: Ed Fur's Dreams


Ed Fur's Dreams

- Goto By: J.N. Rowan
Description: Ed Fur's Dreams are filled with many strange and wonderful characters and situations. In a Dream -- anything can happen. Sometimes funny, sometimes weird, but always an experience.
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- Goto By: Hans Rickheit user profile
Description: ECTOPIARY is a graphic novel in the making. I expect it will be about 600 pages in length when completed. ECTOPIARY does not fit neatly into any known genre. At the moment, I fancy calling it "science fiction." I may change my mind tomorrow. Readers familiar with my other comics are encouraged to suggest other categories to file this critter. The story, like most of my other comics, is cumulative in nature. Patience is suggested for the casual reader, as the speed of narrative is prodded by the needs of the story and not by the dictates of weekly installments.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: R
Topics: Fantasy, Space, Horror, Spritual, Science Fiction, Drama, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Ecstasy



- Goto By: Adonias
Description: Original SA/yaoi online comic about a guy whose life gets seriously "f"ed up while researching a sequence of crimes. Contains lots o' cursing and pervertedness.
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Web Comic: Eclipse Blast


Eclipse Blast

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Last Published Comic: 229 Months 4 Weeks ago
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Web Comic: Eclipse



- Goto By: Kagami
Description: No matter how long it takes, no matter how short the time, the moon can always eclipse the sun... That is the law we were born unto, we, members of the Sanctuary.
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Web Comic: Ecks, ME


Ecks, ME

- Goto By: Angie Moore
Description: The life and times of the various handpuppets who live in Ecks, Maine.
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Web Comic: Echzeon



- Goto By: Necole Dickey
Last Published Comic: 210 Months 6 Days ago
Description: Nessa has no idea where she is from or who she is but has every intention of changing that. Working her way up the Echzeon army she is about to find out her life is more complicated than she ever dreamed.
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Web Comic: Echzeon



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Last Published Comic: 210 Months 6 Days ago
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Rated: R
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: Echos Mario World Comics


Echos Mario World Comics

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