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Web Comic: Brace Yourselves


Brace Yourselves

- Goto By: MFN
Description: The story behind the cause and effect of the explosion of a spaceship on its way to a new colony called 'The New System'.
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Web Comic: Boys Never Cry


Boys Never Cry

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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG
Topics: Romance

Web Comic: Boy Genius


Boy Genius

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Description: Come meet Marvel's superheroes and villains before they were superheroes and villains...
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Web Comic: Boy Dilemma


Boy Dilemma

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Description: Kiku a young high school student moves out of her home to live somewhere closer to school. What she doesn't know is that she has chosen to live in a house that has been occupied by 3 guys. What is she going to do?
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Web Comic: Boy Buddies


Boy Buddies

- Goto By: Alexander Munz
Description: The Hangman's Boy Buddies Pete and Phil fight the Royal Navy and Nazis while discussing film and racism.
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Web Comic: Boy Aurus


Boy Aurus

- Goto By: Kaxen user profile
Description: Immortal boy Aurus wanders the world to seek his fortune.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Brush Painting
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: BoxJam's Doodle


BoxJam's Doodle

- Goto By: BoxJam
Description: Charlie Brown grew up and married Lucy. Not literally, of course. But you know what I mean. Stop being difficult.
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Web Comic: Boxdog



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Last Published Comic: 177 Months 1 Week ago
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Rated: R
Topics: None

Web Comic: Boxcar Astronaut


Boxcar Astronaut

- Goto By: Jeff Carter & Marc Lapierre
Description: Boxcar Astronaut follows the adventures of Ben and Devin, two kids who imagine themselves as brave space heroes. Anyone who grew up in the "Star Wars generation" will enjoy this strip. We update every Sunday.
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Web Comic: Box of Yashi's Sunniness


Box of Yashi's Sunniness

- Goto By: Yashichu
Description: A purple kitty is a conscience trainee, and is lefted with a girl name Ali to take care of her. How the kitty acts for one year determines if she ends up the good side of a person or the bad side.
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Topics: None
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