Harmless Free Radicals- By: Fenmere, the WormLast Published Comic: 182 Months 2 Weeks ago Description: The you-had-to-be-there in-joke of all cross-generational, college/border town, underground cult comics, with artwork inspired by Jackson Pollock and Mercer Meyer. Updated a bit more than weekly! |
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Heroes Never Die- By: Diana@hndDescription: In Elarthe, where Heroes are common, our main character, Setrina, aims to be a REAL hero. But what happens when villains are actually not the real bad guys? What if some of the Heroes have actually been corrupted? |
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The Adventures of Tom Cruise & Spork- By: Justin GrayDescription: Tom Cruise and his sidekick Spork join forces to fight crime and keep our planet safe from evil villains and their celebrity henchmen. |
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Nottingham Freedom Fighters- By: James DalbyDescription: Michael, a 13 year old boy who's going around his normal life......then accidently gets abducted into space by a bunch of hybrid creatures on the run from a secret extraterrestrial human race. How lucky is that? |
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Down but Not Out- By: Catherine YenDescription: After failing one of the most important exams in his life, Jon has to rediscover himself and find a niche in the world. Along the way he meets all sorts of people and learns something about himself. Updated biweekly (Mon or Tues). |
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Once Upon A Table- By: Mark Evan JonesDescription: Follows a group of friends and their collective imagination as they play a tabletop roleplaying game. It's both fantasy adventure and interpersonal drama! ...Okay, so it's mostly salsa, soda, and stories about previous adventures. |
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TimeScapes- By: J NeonDragon PefferDescription: Priestess Jenna slept through the most important ceremony of her life. If only she could go back into time... but this presents its own set of problems. Jenna and her friends must now fight to save their reality! |
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Twilight Agency- By: D.A. & L. GrafDescription: Follow an intrepid trio of paranormal investigators through a world of science gone mad and myth come alive. |
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Severance {Re:Visions}- By: Jess Calcaben & David DoubDescription: SubCulture presents Severance. A crime noir webcomic with plenty of drama and action to spare. This COMIC CONTAINS VIOLENCE AND SWEARING. THIS COMIC IS FOR MATURE READERS ONLY. |
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Ranking Signs- By: Heather L. HaskettDescription: The rat beat the cat for a spot in the chinese zodiac over many centuries ago. Now in modern times, a team of girls are joined together to be the avatars of the zodiac. |
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