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Web Comic: Riptide Realities


Riptide Realities

- Goto By: Jessi Jones
Description: Keshi lives quietly amoung his friends and coworkers at Cafe Love. One night, he's asked a favor and the events that follow a simple act of kindness force his life to take a drasticly...queer turn.
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Web Comic: RIPtheSYSTEM



- Goto By: John Hurst and Tcat Rutherford
Last Published Comic: 138 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Our insane psychopaths make better baked goods. Based loosely in the Megaman X universe.
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Web Comic: Ripple BANG!


Ripple BANG!

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Description: Navi Spike works in a ghetto music store.Just as she gets tired of her jobshe get's shot by some nut job!! Ha! Way to go Navi! She wakes upto find herself in another worldfilled the criminals,funny thing is she's there on purpose.
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Web Comic: Ripped Ticket


Ripped Ticket

- Goto By: Kyle
Description: Sherw00t, an RPG town for a not-so RPG world!
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Web Comic: Rip Haywire


Rip Haywire

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Web Comic: RIOT n' Fade-Out!


RIOT n' Fade-Out!

- Goto By: Story & Art by Sketch Sanchez
Description: Riot and Fade-Out are two vigilantes/serial killers who hunt down and kill meta-powered gang members in their home known as MAD City. This is set later in their lives as Fade-Out is captured by the police, forcing RIOT to break her out.
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Rated: R
Topics: Adventure

Web Comic: RIOT n FadeOut


RIOT n FadeOut

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Web Comic: RIOT and FadeOut From the Top


RIOT and FadeOut From the Top

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Rated: R
Topics: Noir

Web Comic: RINOMAX



- Goto By: Shingo
Description: Serie de ciencia ficcion que cuenta de manera alucinada, como yo veo mi pa?s y mi ciudad.
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Web Comic: RinkusuComic



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