Gravitywell Productions-Description: Gravitywell Productions, the oldest English language on-line comic book publisher. 1996-and onward, new productions kicking off this year. |
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carlnowhere-Description: Victims of biological warfare escape an oppresive government by going underground. Their survival is complicated by the fact that they must regularly take a drug to survive. A drug that they can no longer acquire legally. Updates 1st of every month. |
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A tale of an idiot.-Description: One idiot, and thats it...Oh yeah, there's two other guys. |
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The Best Page Ever-Last Published Comic: 191 Months 3 Weeks ago Description: It is what it is, the best page ever. Read and find out. The best myspace blog web comic page thing. |
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Its a Comic, OK!?-Description: Just when you thought there were enough cruddy dodgy webcomics, that have no storyline, crap art and person ho really lacks any web design ability and is seriously lazy? THEN YOU THOUGHT WRONG, come on in and see the cruddyness engulf your brain |
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Today: The Comic-Description: The headlines you read will never be the same. |
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Gilbert and the Grim Rabbit-Description: A comic about demons and animals living on an island, and specifically about Grim, the grim rabbit, and her poorly educated friend Gilbert. Updates every Tuesday and Saturday. |
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The Sales Call-Description: Exploring the depravity of corporate sales. |
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Amphisbaena-Description: |
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Creaturetoons-Description: This site has three separate comics to fit a variety of tastes ranging to the innocent and fun to the satirical and political. |
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