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Web Comic: Koikokoro



- Goto By: Isis
Description: A shoujo manga full of angst, bishounen and... bread.
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Web Comic: Shot-Down Again


Shot-Down Again

- Goto By: Jacob Plette, David Yarbrough, Peter ghem
Description: Three friends decided to make a comic. So they did. This is their story. Aside from that, this comic does have a plot, you just don't realize it the first 3 comics. We aren't very popular at the moment, so please spread the word, and join our forums.
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Web Comic: FUSUN:TES



- Goto By: Napoleon
Description: Comic about a crazy science chicken (german)
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Web Comic: Ruinas



- Goto By: Guillem Bayarri
Description: Un mercenario es un individuo c?nico, carente de escr?pulos e idealismos. Toby Lockheer es uno de ellos, uno de los mejores perros de la guerra del ej?rcito del Sol Sombr?o. ?C?mo comenz? su carrera en el mundo de las guerras...? S?lo en espa?ol.
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Web Comic: 1+0=2 Forever


1+0=2 Forever

- Goto By: King Nitram & the Merry Universe
Description: Philosophy, Graphics, Poetry, and Artwork to get Blowed on.
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Web Comic: Ed Johnson's FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING Presents



- Goto By: Ed Johnson
Description: Monthly webcomic utilizing Marvel minimate action figures in a tale of inter-weaving story-lines set to music.
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Web Comic: Melty-Brain



- Goto By: Elizabeth Gilkison
Description: A completely random and off the wall comic. Features short stories, one panels, monkeys, squirrels, and secret agent ninja spy pirates. Updating Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
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Web Comic: Edge of December


Edge of December

- Goto By: Glenn Kitchell, Gray Ross, Ryan Cohen
Description: Action and innuendo. What more could you want?
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Web Comic: MoWit



- Goto By: Michael J. Citak
Description: "MoWit" (Pronounced- Mow it) is an Acranym which means Mo- Homo, and wit, meaning humor. So coincidently, MoWit is about homosexual humor, and stereotypes labeled against us, as well as sometimes poking fun at celebrities.
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Web Comic: Starfish



- Goto By: Kannay
Description: La Starfish le proporcionar? a quien la posea, los poderes ancestrales de la magia actual. Ahora el escudo que proteg?a el pa?s de Aqua se est? desvaneciendo, ?y las ansias del pa?s vecino por encontrar la Starfish son muy grandes! S?lo en espa?ol.
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