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Web Comic: Soldier of God


Soldier of God

- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX user profile
Description: This is gangsta shit, full blown gangsta shit, you kno, gangsta shit, A! Text Robert Finch Artwork Ron van Dijk
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Rating: 4.2, by 5 user(s)
Update: Sporadic
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Politics, Relationships, Real Life, Romance, Spritual, Noir, Drama, Action

Web Comic: Kiss your Gardener


Kiss your Gardener

- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX user profile
Description: More pornography from ArtificialCOMIX.
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Rating: 3.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: Sporadic
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Relationships, Work, Real Life, Romance, Spritual, Drama

Web Comic: Leroy Brown


Leroy Brown

- Goto
Description: Comming Soon
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Life, Humor




- Goto By: Leroy Brown
Description: Comming Soon
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Life, Humor

Web Comic: Shards of Phaeton


Shards of Phaeton

- Goto By: Purenightshade
Description: Comming Soon
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: 8-Bit
Style: Manga
Rated: G
Topics: Adventure, Animals, Fantasy, Superheroes, Tv, Action

Web Comic: More shark Porn


More shark Porn

- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX
Description: Experimental web-comic.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Vector
Style: Experimental
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Real Life, Parody/Satire, Action

Web Comic: My wife's first visit to a porn cinema!


My wife's first visit to a porn cinema!

- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX
Description: More pornography from ArtificialCOMIX.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: Sporadic
Art: Vector
Style: Experimental
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Relationships, Real Life, Romance, Action

Web Comic: So you like big tits!


So you like big tits!

- Goto By: ArtificialCOMIX
Description: More pornography from ArtificialCOMIX.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Vector
Style: Experimental
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Relationships, Real Life, Romance, Action

Web Comic: Bric-a-Brats



- Goto By: Chris Hemenway
Description: Follow the hilarious antics of DJ, Ms. Megan, Sam and the rest of the Brat Pack in; Bric-a-Brats
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: G
Topics: Life, Relationships, Humor

Web Comic: ziwei



- Goto By: ziwei
Description: Drawer Of Stuff is a random and eclectic assortment of comic strips with cats, penguins, humans, and other marvelous things.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Independent
Rated: G
Topics: Animals, Life, Work, Humor, Parody/Satire
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