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Web Comic: Morbid Inspirations


Morbid Inspirations

- Goto By: Okashi-chan
Description: Read Right-Left Karlen was a sad, lonely teen in 1745, when he met the vampire king, Vance. Things have been far different since that day. The year is now 2025, and Karlen is on his own, in a strange new world with nothing but his wits to save him
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Web Comic: Morbid Inspirations


Morbid Inspirations

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Rated: R
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Web Comic: Morbid Alice


Morbid Alice

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Last Published Comic: 226 Months 3 Weeks ago
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Rated: PG
Topics: Fantasy

Web Comic: Moratoria



- Goto By: Crystal Rider
Description: Damien and Miyu decide to go on random adventures when they come up. Randomness, comedy, shoujo junk and... other random stuff. Wow, sounds like a great comic! ^^
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Web Comic: Morally Ambiguous


Morally Ambiguous

- Goto By: Trevor Gentry-Birnbaum
Description: Morally Ambiguous depicts roommates Spencer and Holmes. Spencer is rude, crude and dim-witted; Holmes is a counterbalance with a sarcasm that helps him deal with his friendship.
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Web Comic: Moralicide



- Goto By: Keffy
Description: Everybody f***s up. Most of us get lucky.
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Web Comic: Moppet



- Goto By: "Moppet"
Description: Moppet is the tale of a lil girl with a stuffed animal that kills everything that becomes a problem, whether or not Moppet wants it to or not. To make matters worse, her mother now denies Moppet as her daughter.
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Web Comic: Mopeds Galleries


Mopeds Galleries

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Last Published Comic: 224 Months 2 Weeks ago
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: Mope



- Goto By: Alan Macon
Description: Mope is the story of a little, suicidal ball of...something...that never seems to be able to get it right.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Moot Point


Moot Point

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