davechisholm on Feb. 20, 2008
Andre61 at 12:04PM, Feb. 10, 2011
Why happen? whats next? why did you stop? dude! come back
Limzee at 8:20PM, Oct. 24, 2009
Yay for some updates! =D I want to see more! What happens next? o-o
davechisholm at 2:33PM, July 22, 2009
thanks, man! read the rest! it will blow your mind out of your ass.
booger at 2:04PM, July 22, 2009
awesome inks for real!! :)
davechisholm at 5:42AM, July 22, 2009
DUDES i finally remembered my password to this site! i'm going to upload some pages!
YellowSnow at 5:11AM, July 22, 2009
Wish I could read the rest of this story, but I can't afford to buy the rest of the books..
highspeedcomics at 8:31PM, Jan. 6, 2009
I can't judge the story just yet before I catch up, but the art on this is killer. Well done, and I'll definitely read the other pages.
SlideStudios at 2:12PM, Nov. 3, 2008
pretty sweet art. lots of style and mood.
n_y_japlander at 1:28AM, Feb. 26, 2008
(OO) Awesome ride thus far!!!! I too will be coming back for more!!! (^O^)
salasvexx at 8:06PM, Feb. 21, 2008
Torcher tecniques hu?..... NIIICE. I would fave your comic but this site has a problem with faved comics, I WILL try and keep up though, check me out too. BTW, I like the smoke on the guys cigg.
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Andre61 at 12:04PM, Feb. 10, 2011
Why happen? whats next? why did you stop? dude! come back
Limzee at 8:20PM, Oct. 24, 2009
Yay for some updates! =D I want to see more! What happens next? o-o
davechisholm at 2:33PM, July 22, 2009
thanks, man! read the rest! it will blow your mind out of your ass.
booger at 2:04PM, July 22, 2009
awesome inks for real!! :)
davechisholm at 5:42AM, July 22, 2009
DUDES i finally remembered my password to this site! i'm going to upload some pages!
YellowSnow at 5:11AM, July 22, 2009
Wish I could read the rest of this story, but I can't afford to buy the rest of the books..
highspeedcomics at 8:31PM, Jan. 6, 2009
I can't judge the story just yet before I catch up, but the art on this is killer. Well done, and I'll definitely read the other pages.
SlideStudios at 2:12PM, Nov. 3, 2008
pretty sweet art. lots of style and mood.
n_y_japlander at 1:28AM, Feb. 26, 2008
(OO) Awesome ride thus far!!!! I too will be coming back for more!!! (^O^)
salasvexx at 8:06PM, Feb. 21, 2008
Torcher tecniques hu?..... NIIICE. I would fave your comic but this site has a problem with faved comics, I WILL try and keep up though, check me out too. BTW, I like the smoke on the guys cigg.