April 30th, 2008
10:35 pm - Art Update again :: my love carries on So.
 Current Location: my room Current Mood: chipper Current Music: Akeboshi - Wind
April 29th, 2008
05:29 pm - artist statement + art update ART PROJECT DUE NEXT WEEK HOOOO DAAAAYUMMMM X__________x
I've been doing a lot of work on my short series, Kisses Later though. :)
( Kisses Later - Character Chart )
( You'll need pencil and paper, a dictionary, and a thesaurus. )
 Current Location: garage Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: none
April 28th, 2008
Lola Ray is one of the very few bands that I am a TRUE MUSIC fan of. :) I know because I fell in love with their music before setting eyes on either one of them. I didn't even know John's name until I saw them in concert. But their music is just so... AH I can't even describe it.
I've listened to their music whenever I was sad, happy, angry, giddy... The list goes on. I have quotes of their lyrics in my sketchbooks because they influenced me so much.
I never expected meeting them in real life, and John was pretty sweet but I was too shy to talk to the other band members. >3< I love ALL of Lola Ray. I talk about Lola Ray as if It was ONE person. Their music is just so amazing.
Speaking on fangirling. I bought a magazine SOLELY because Tokio Hotel has a tiny paragraph in it. >_> LAAAME.
Lola Ray and Tokio Hotel are my high right now :) But I love Lola Ray more, I admit. Because Tokio Hotel I FIRST got into because I was like, "Wow that guy in the dreads looks SO COOL." XDDDD
But I'm a Lola Girl at heart :)

 Current Location: my room Current Mood: geeky Current Music: LOLA RAY- Customary Free Love (New song!!!)
April 27th, 2008
09:20 pm - Pic Update later Look forward to it.
FIRST: Woke up at 10.
Went to get make up done with my brother's girlfriend and then I did my hair.
To get a visual of my hair style for prom:

( prom update )
 Current Location: kitchen Current Mood: artistic Current Music: Tokio Hotel- Don't Jump
April 25th, 2008
09:08 pm - meme Goodness.
Anatomy was fun today :) We had to do imaginary ribbons to show off curves.
And I'm a little upset that I won't be seeing Tokio Hotel anytime soon. But I love their music, so just listening to them is fine with me :)
Durch Den Monsoon!
Questions for you to answer if you have the time? :)
1. Do I have a distinct style of drawing? 2. If so, what exactly is it that defines my "style"? 3. Would you say my art usually follows a 'theme'? 4. Is there anything I really need to improve on or change? 5. Does my style (if I have one) remind you of/look like the style of anyone else? 6. Judging from whatever art of mine that you've seen, what do you think I do the best at? 7. What do you think I suck at? Current Location: my room Current Mood: sleepy Current Music: David Bowie and Queen - Under Pressure
April 24th, 2008
09:57 pm - you looked kind of fun. ***Copy/Paste from my DA journal***
The truth is this.
I am doing comic commisions; meaning that I will not only do a full, completed comic for you, I will also have it done within a month after confirmation.
This is how much I will do it for.
>>> Original comics, meaning: . Your characters / Your story . Your characters / My story . My characters / My story
>>> Pages will be roughly 12-24 PAGES LONG. . W/out Screentones- 15 dollars . W/ Screentones- 25 dollars
Due to school and family, these pages will all be in pencil.
>>> Example Pages: . W/out Screentones- http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a31/avanope/Untitled-3-1.jpg . W/ Screentones- http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a31/avanope/494ec1a99377.jpg
I will do a doujinshi with the same rules as above.
However I will only do series that I have KNOWLEDGE of.
This includes: Naruto, Reborn, Prince of Tennis, Inu Yasha, Digimon, Rurouni Kenshin, and ANYTHING else just note me. Please.
>>> Just for doujinshis, there will be a special 1-3 PAGES OPTION. . W/out Screentones- 5 dollars . W/ Screentones- 7 dollars.
Please, I'm actually too self conscious to put myself on the block like this but I truly need this money. All prices are negotiable just please consider this. I can promise that the pages will be the best of my ability and I will work hard to get your comic done WITHIN A MONTH.
Thank you for your time. Current Location: my room Current Mood: nervous Current Music: Marilyn Manson- You Spin Me Right Round
April 21st, 2008
06:25 am - EFF YOU MANG <33333 ahem.
*diiiiesss out of happiness*
I'm gone.
And Nicole, you're gone too.
"Translation from THUS.
The Jonas Brothers visited BRAVO�.
�One, two, three�, Nick Jonas ( 15 ) sings and bounces in the BRAVO-editorial office in good mood. So typical! Anyway, where the Jonas Brothers appear at the moment they..re in the centre of interest. Nick, Kevin ( 20 ) and Joe ( 18 ) attract attention everywhere.
�Wow, how cool! This is Tokio Hotel�, Nick screams and points enthusiastically to the big poster of the band in the welcome-room.
Suddenly time difference and the early getting up (6 o..clock in the morning!) are forgotten. �We are big fans of Tokio Hotel. The music is awesome. Besides they have also two brothers � like we have�, Joe thinks.
�We want to meet them at any costs. That would be just sensational,� Kevin, admits.
And that is not improbable, because the Tokios just go round again in America with full speed. �We would like to play a concert with them. Then all the girls would freak out double passionately. That would be the mega-hammer�, Joe laughs enthusiastically.
What a cool secret plan! But BRAVO found out more: There are already concrete negotiations! Tokio Hotel shall perform as support band of the Jonas Brothers in the USA - in return for that the Jonas Brothers would perform as support band of Tokio Hotel in Europe. What a hot combination! Complete fan-alarm would be guaranteed.
Source: http://tokiofans.com/index/?p=798
If they're going to tour together, I hope they're playing JB's first show at MSG... I don't like Tokio Hotel that much, but I just wanna see Bill's hair in person. :P"
-Taken from "Ohnotheyd!dnt!" Lj Community.
We're going to have to stay up late/early the day before prom to get these tickets but OH WELL. :) Current Location: my room Current Mood: loved Current Music: AFI- Summer Shudder
April 18th, 2008
I'm working on another short comic ;___; The story surrounds a young rock star and his forced marriage.
But really, it's just an excuse to draw more boys with piercings. *bad koko*
So don't mind me.

This is Decras Stills and Lilyis Pride from my one shot <3333
***I only had a pack of crayons, ball point pen, and three dried out copics. @_@
( Detention scraps. ) Current Mood: sore
April 16th, 2008
10:44 pm - I am in love with Tokio Hotel
They are the ALMOST new Lola Ray for me.
For cereal.
( Recap! ) Current Mood: cold
March 30th, 2008
02:35 am - sort of rant sort if not? Meh.
Art Project is done. :\ If I could find the camera I would post some pictures XDDD
I think my social life crashed and burned this spring break =A=
( ??? ) Current Mood: blah
March 23rd, 2008
12:09 am - Such a beautiful lie first off.
A sample of hopefully my manga will be in the shojo beat issue <33333 I still need to give them my information though :( Or else they'll give my prize to someone else.

( Work in Progress )
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03) created with QuizFarm.com |
You scored as Existentialism Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.
�Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.�
�It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.�
--Jean-Paul Sartre
�It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.�
--Blaise Pascal
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Existentialism | | 95% | Utilitarianism | | 90% | Divine Command | | 65% | Apathy | | 60% | Hedonism | | 60% | Kantianism | | 55% | Justice (Fairness) | | 50% | Strong Egoism | | 35% | Nihilism | | 15% |
 Current Location: kitchen table Current Mood: chipper Current Music: Beautiful Lie- 30 seconds to mars
March 20th, 2008
06:45 am - Smile ne ichiban ii onna! SOOO I have an art project due on the 31st XDDD There goes my spring break.
I JUST finished the poster THIS morning. I have never been so NOT proud of a drawing in my life XDDDD
( click for work in progress! )

I love my Rolo :) Current Location: kitchen table Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: Because of You- NE YO
March 11th, 2008
10:33 pm - Yeah well, you suck more.
So today was fun :)
I got to go to Main Street in Huntington Beach (Surprising because I'm scared to be so close to water) for a festival/fair kind of thing. Yup, every Saturday and Tuesday from now until December, there's like a swap meet. But it's so fun because there are like farmer's food and singing, and dancing, and so much fun stuff. The atmosphere is soooo nice and it's just inspiring to draw.
My mommma bought me a rin X)
Oh! And we saw like, a snow dog too. It was HUGE. It looked like a wolf.
I was a bit disappointed at the guy who just asked my mom, brother, and I for money and when we walked away he was like, "FUCK YOU CHINESE."
He was drunk.

Steven :) Current Location: my room Current Music: Going Under- Evanescence
March 8th, 2008
08:44 pm - look at that! So update for the day? :)
We danced in japanese class on Friday. It was like a blur XDDDD I think we were all fairly humiliated. D:
But I brought my pillow and kisame plushie with me to school that day! >___< I wish I could bring my pillow with me everyday. *so NICE* and my kisame kept me company all day :3
Aaaahh this kid's guitar fell on me in japanese class though :( What sucks is that he didn't even APOLOGIZE. And was more worried of his guitar than anything else.
But oh well. :)
( LODS CONCEPT SKETCHES?! ) Current Location: the floor of my room. Current Music: shangri la- angela
March 3rd, 2008
11:08 pm - The Prince of Tennis I am very sad and happy to inform anyone whom this may concern,
Prince of Tennis... has finally ended.
( Koko's talk ) Current Mood: accomplished
March 1st, 2008
04:53 pm - Let's throw a fit. ![[protected post]](http://p-stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_protected.gif) Okay. So.
If anyone has read all of my rants you would know they 90% of the time are tantrums directed at my brothers.
I admit three things: 1. I am bipolar. 2. I am selfish. 3. When I joke, I don't think people realize I'm joking.
Please. Unless I am looking at you straight in the eye, begging you to take me seriously- don't.
Rant for today.
( cute. )
February 28th, 2008
08:57 pm - According to Plan~ homg where to begin? @___@
Well first of all, I HAD the flu. I came home Tuesday from school, jumped into bed thinking I would sleep off this "cough" I had. Then my brother came home and he was like "0_0 You're burning dude!" So I ended up passing out in his room just after he was like, "I think THIS time you should "really" stay home." (If you don't get that inside joke- it's fine ;)
So I have a fever now. =_= The doctor said my temperature was 102 degrees. What sucks is that I can't even draw. Lol. I feel like I wasted so much time.
I've been watching food network a lot though. :D :D :D The ironic thing is that I have a really bad taste in my mouth so everything I eat leaves a horrible after taste :( I want to make that meat stew I saw Giada make on "Everyday Italian".
Man. I can only imagine how much school work I have to make up. :(
My parents bought me Corpse Bride though :) It was unexpected so it made me really happy. I spent today and yesterday watching it.
( list of things koko want to do once she gets better! ) Current Location: brother's room Current Mood: nauseated
February 20th, 2008
11:06 pm - finally lol UHMMm
So for our TaroBoy movie we went from having NO main actor to now having to decide between two. One is an actor and the other is just so perfect looking for the role ;___;
Strange indeedy.
( purikura )
. Finish TaroBoy Chapter One . Sketch/Ink League of Deadly Swords Chapter One . Work on Inane Circle Chapter Two (Maybe. It might be a shojo manga I always wanted to do. *BLUSH*) . Art 2 Box . Japanese 3 Song . ECON HW?! SHYIETtttttt. Current Location: Brother's Computer Current Mood: apathetic
February 18th, 2008
04:38 pm - happy shojo day! NOT REALLY.
But I finished a one shot I've been working on for... nine days? XDDD Five days to ink and sketch/four days to screentone.

( crappy one shot click here! )
I have japanese homework and art stuff to work on. =_=;; Current Location: my room Current Music: Captain Straydum- Mountain a Go Go Two
February 12th, 2008
08:29 pm - what the heck? why do I do so many surveys? *that or make up my own?*
FIVE THINGS YOUR FRIENDS KNOW ABOUT YOU: . I freak out when I'm late to class, but never if I'm late to first period. . My favorite band is Lola Ray . I love watching Labyrinth . David Bowie is my hero. . I dream of becoming a mangaka.
FIVE THINGS THEY MAY OR MAY NOT KNOW: . My favorite food is cereal and any kind of fish. . I dislike pho (Or rather I'm kind of sick of it =_=). . When I'm not drawing I'm usually writing. . Tria markers are my best friend. . I...I read romance novels...
FIVE THINGS THEY DEFINITELY DON'T KNOW: . I believe the world is a conspiracy (no joke, the moon is a space ship). . I cry usually once a month out of frustration. . When I was little a tripped over my older brother and got a scar on my forehead. . I say I'm a hundred pounds, but really, I range from 95-105 every three to six months. . I frequently sleep in my brother's room and not in my bed.