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Bold Blood! This medieval hard fantasy tells of a rag-tag group of working-class warriors.
By comics veteran Joe St.Pierre. Updated each Tuesday!

Bold Blood >> About Joe St.Pierre

Episode for 08/09/2005
Bold Blood
Become a Warrior Born! Visit

The First >> 08/09/2005 | 08/16/2005 >>

11/01/2005Episode 13: Exploder - The End!
10/25/2005Episode 12: Last Straw - Helmut, a hero to the locals of Nern, has arrived. Ogre means to acquire Helmut's fabled sword for himself.
10/18/2005Episode 11: Ogre's Lot - Ogre feels disrepected, by Fate, by the people of Nern, even by his own friends. He's just about had enough.
10/11/2005Episode 10: Just Rewards - Some time after the events at Wood's Edge, a few of the warriors have set off together.
10/04/2005Episode 9: Halves - The group has been attacked by a Hellbear! Grimslab and several others have been killed. Ogre has arrived to put an end to the battle.
09/27/2005Episode 8: The Bold Blood - Deep within the Unholy Wood, Grimslab and his group are attacked by a savage Hellbear.
09/20/2005Episode 7: Something Big - Deep within the Unholy Wood, Grimslab and his group of fighters have discovered a worse threat than goblins--the savage hellbear.
09/13/2005Episode 6: The Fighting Forge - Deep within the Unholy Wood, Grimslab and his group of fighters are attacked by goblins.
09/06/2005Episode 5: Night - The group of fighters are in the Unholy Wood and on the second night, young Korin has been stolen from camp.
08/30/2005Episode 4: Setting Out - Grimslab the warrior and a pitiably small group of fighters have entered the Unholy Wood.
08/23/2005Episode 3: Half Breed - Grimslab the warrior and a pitiably small group of fighters are embarking on a trip to the Unholy Wood, to take on a possible army of goblins.
08/16/2005Episode 2: Medieval Idol - The auditions for fighters continues.
08/09/2005Episode 1: First Blood - A family is brutally murdered by goblins outside the walls of Wood's Edge. Grimslab the warrior issues a call to arms.

Bold Blood >> About Joe St.Pierre

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