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Web Comic: Sandwedge Steve


Sandwedge Steve

- Goto By: Daniel F. Dreakford user profile
Description: The adventures of a malcontent fast food veteran.
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Rating: 3.5, by 2 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Work

Web Comic: Laszlo and Edgar


Laszlo and Edgar

- Goto By: Jorge user profile
Description: Discover the mysterious adventures of Laszlo and Edgar
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Brush Painting
Style: European
Rated: PG
Topics: None

Web Comic: Tick Tock


Tick Tock

- Goto By: Sean McCluskey user profile
Description: Alaric is the prince of his kingdom, in a royal line of heroes and dragon slayers. Unlike his ancestors though, Alaric is kind of a wuss. He wants no part of this hero stuff. Those ancestors of his all shared one secret advantage though, a time altering sword. When a totally cute peasant girl gets kidnapped by a douchey dragon, Alaric equipped with a time altering sword that he has no idea alters time, sets out on his great adventure! Because HOT BABE.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: Independent
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Action, Crazy

Web Comic: Project Jikoku


Project Jikoku

- Goto By: Dawn Tabor/Lawrence Simpson user profile
Description: A strange disturbance from a distant land has caught the interest of two young siblings. Their father had been lost for years and because of this anomaly, they may finally have hope that he is still alive deep in the darker regions of the universe. Fighting well-known foes, the two young Maracans set out to rescue their father from the clutches from the tyrants that are the Jikoku.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: Manga
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: muleleredux



- Goto By: Mulele Jarvis user profile
Description: Tokyo–50 years from now. A chaotic, tumultuous mess run by thugs and corporations whose excesses were legitimized by governments long ago. Hunted by corporate spies and thieves, Miguel makes his mark as the fastest, most reliable bike messenger in the city.
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Rating: 4.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Brush Painting
Style: Manga
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Science Fiction, Action

Web Comic: Sad Bacon


Sad Bacon

- Goto By: Jason Perez user profile
Description: Comics that apply human behavior to whales, birds, and, well, people. Many of the characters suffer from some sort of neurosis. Created by Jason Perez.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Animals, Life, Real Life, Humor, Parody/Satire, Crazy

Web Comic: Mischief in Maytia


Mischief in Maytia

- Goto By: Caleb Child user profile
Description: A group of friends and their wacky shenanigans
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Life, Humor

Web Comic: Optimistically Cynical


Optimistically Cynical

- Goto By: Michael Balistreri user profile
Description: Optimistically Cynical is a tale about a young teddy bear named Filo who has just graduated college and is now experiencing the world as an independent adult for the first time. He's in for many harsh, eye-opening life lessons in this entertaining coming-of-age story.
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Rating: 5.0, by 1 user(s)
Update: Weekly
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Animals, Life, Humor

Web Comic: KeywordComic



- Goto By: Andrew Koskinen user profile
Description: KeywordComic, a gag-a-day comic with a random theme each page!!!
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Rating: 3.0, by 2 user(s)
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Freehand Pencil
Style: Experimental
Rated: PG
Topics: Humor, Crazy

Web Comic: Dance of the Aeronauts


Dance of the Aeronauts

- Goto By: Michael Sng user profile
Description: Dance of the Aeronauts is a graphic novel set in an alternative universe in the time between the World Wars. A sort of post-Steampunk or Internal-Combustion-Engine-punk tale, if you like. The community at Dour’s End is still picking up the pieces of a catastrophe that struck not just the town, but changed the entire world. While all isw calm and peaceful now, who knows what is on the horizon. Over the edge. Beyond the mists.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Digitally Colored
Style: American
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, History, Science Fiction, Action
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